HomeCoursesIntroduction to Big Data and Hadoop



Introduction to Big Data and Hadoop
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Delve into Big Data essentials, explore data types, and gain insights into Hadoop components like YARN, MapReduce, HDFS, and Spark. Discover foundations to excel in the growing Big Data field.
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Course Overview

This course offers a one-of-a-kind rich and interactive experience to learn the fundamentals and basics of Big Data. Throughout this course, you will have plenty of opportunities to get your hands dirty with functioning Hadoop clusters. You will start off by learning about the rise of Big Data as well as the different types of data like structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data. You will then dive into the fundamentals of Big Data such as YARN (yet another resource manager), MapReduce, HDFS (Hadoo...Show More
This course offers a one-of-a-kind rich and interactive experience to learn the fundamentals and basics of Big Data. Throughout ...Show More

Course Content



5 Lessons

Get familiar with Hadoop’s role in Big Data, its evolution, and core terminologies.



3 Lessons

Walk through YARN's resource management, workflow, and scheduling for efficient cluster operation.



11 Lessons

Enhance your skills in HDFS architecture, from filesystem fundamentals to practical commands.



5 Lessons

Master the steps to utilizing Zookeeper and Pig for managing distributed systems and parallel data processing.



6 Lessons

Get familiar with core Big Data and Hadoop concepts through structured quizzes.


Reference: Partitioning

4 Lessons

Explore partitioning strategies to enhance scalability, fault tolerance, and query performance.


Reference: Issues in Distributed Systems

4 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of complexities in distributed systems, network issues, and time synchronization.
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